How many hours by week i.e. how much time is required? Also in which month (approx) the contact program will be held?

Answer: You can study the course at your own pace as each individual has their own time and method of learning a subject. In the vedic studies, it is best advised to wake up early at 4 – 4.30am and start studying at 5am. That way you can put in about 1-2 hours every morning when there is no disturbance and the mind is also well rested and free from the days energy. This early morning has the mind in a very sattvika state whereas after about 8am, the rajas of the day gradually becomes stronger.
Lessons will be made available at a frequent rate of about a few every month and you are expected to follow them during the month.

The PJC Classes are normally held at the end of the year between September-November each year. PJC Year-1 will be starting around the last Thursday of October. All PJC Classes always start on Thursdays.

Jyotisa Guru

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books on Jyotish. He began his studies at a tender age, and received the depth of Jyotish only found among those who have been trained in the ancient traditional way of the parampara. More Info

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